Physical Education
Welcome to Physical Education at Peter Kirk Elementary!
Our philosophy for teaching physical education is this: As physical education teachers, it is our job is to provide students with the information necessary to live a healthy lifestyle, encourage them to improve themselves both physically and mentally and give them the confidence to believe in their abilities. We look forward to working with you and your child.
Your child’s grade in PE is an effort/participation grade and not based on individual skill. We use the SOAR acronym that is common language at Peter Kirk. If students give us 100% effort, they will have a grade to be proud of. If you would like a copy of the grading rubric for PE, please email Mr. Conklin ( for a copy.
Students must wear appropriate clothing and shoes to PE class. Students should wear pants or shorts with shoes that have rubber soles (sneakers). Examples of clothing/shoes that should NOT be worn to PE: Crocs, sandals, flip flops, slides, high heels, boots and dresses. A student’s grade will be negatively affected if he/she wears inappropriate clothing and shoes.
Thank you so much for your cooperation! If you have any questions, please email Mr.Conklin ( or Mr.Egan (